I find myself doing things again that I did in the past. I’m enjoying going for leisurely walks, reconnecting with old high school chums, and watching reruns of Barney Fife. I find I like having the old and familiar things in my life. But it’s fun when I can take reruns of my own life and turn them into present-day experiences.
At a church we attended when we lived in another city, I volunteered in the church cafe. It reminded me of the days when Mom and Dad had their Cajun restaurant – the Cajun Corral. Funny how I can’t remember what I went to find in another room, but washing dishes in Clorox water, wiping down tables, waiting on customers, and operating the cash register came back in a flash. I will say though, that the new electronic cash register was a snap to operate. It had pictures of the food items and you just touch the picture to ring it up. The Cajun Corral used an antique cash register with hard-to-push buttons. And we had to do all the math in our head!
I’ve also started painting again and find I love going back to creative things that have given me a lot of pleasure in the past. And I’m back to doing what God called me to – Write. Yep, it’s deja vu all over again.